Thursday, March 22, 2007

it'S doNe..

It's the first my event and thank's to GOd..
Everything has done,
Now i could follow every project my team.
All for one and one for all of course i endjoy it.
ok.. all right I'm finished my jobs..
my client and my boss handshake to me..
but it's the first learn to creative work..
thanks for the trust.


Bangsari said...

asyik! dapet duit banyak dong? traktir aku yah?

Eddy Fahmi said...

idem sama bangsari, dapet duit banyak mit? traktir aku yah? kapan pulang ke sby? jarene maret? dusta :p

Unknown said...

ini mba omith yang waktu itu ketemuan di comic sama menik n om bebek 'kan??? hehe...
congratz for ur achievement n waiting for the treat! hehe... comic lagi juga boleh... aq mo nyobain ribs yg kemaren dipesen mba omith :p