whose the next ............. just still waiting for.. How to reduce f*Ckin jealously dun wanna again loose anything what i had i just wanna explore again and again .. and again.. but ..sometime remainder again about u.. a u my soul mate..?
i luv this picture.. looks so a lots of mysterious argue, the lips not really closed there is a hope Sometin miracle show in brights may somebody will known what she wants..
I wanna fly a way.. fly as a bird with a good opportunities going through.. no more tears no wrong way no sadness no bad news no roles no cruel with a lots of love incredible place amazing pleasure comfortable life so beautifully people
mom's... here I come.. the first destination to visit is my beloved father in NGAGEL chemistry than my mom's and my big brother benny.. also unforgettable my best friend... [oci, patty, uchil, christin ,plus arek2 d3par'99, arek2 cangkrukan, the oranges band, arek2 corner unair] I know it's lil bit time to meet all the people.. but sure it's gonna be happy to refresh my mind specially my beloved mom's, i'll give u the best..
please pray for me..pray for me.. pray for me.. coz i'm scare ..about the transportation .. God Bless me.. pal..amien soon i'll be back to jkt.. after this weekend
Yeah it's time for leisure .. to refresh my mind,, After all my duty is done [event launching haier mobile phone in Alila Hotels] I've got to take a bath.. hmm suddenly I'm going to sleep in my bathrooms 2 hours no realized..[zZz].. I'm so really tired 5days sleep just 2 until 3 hours... [needs body spa, body massages, pleasure in my arm]
It's the first my event and thank's to GOd.. Everything has done, Now i could follow every project my team. All for one and one for all of course i endjoy it. ok.. all right I'm finished my jobs.. my client and my boss handshake to me.. but it's the first learn to creative work.. thanks for the trust.
Hard to tell.. Hows the feel.. It's the heart.. It suddenly happened I'm not pretending The happiness trough Follow the heart Just pleasure....... Congratulations
running..... it's me........ never stop to do sumtin always wanna learn to get the best result but proud what i have now ............. thank's mom, dead, broth and all my best close friend in da world......................
Runner, Yoga, Pilates, TRX, Sport lover, Lifestyle Blogger. EDM music.Traveler wishes. Mom's with two lovely children Ken-Bre. Necklace collector
Contact Me :
T. @omith